Managing LVM Storage

For most server environments you are going to have a disk for the OS and possibly a disk for additional data. And in most cases, you would define the layout of the disks in a kickstart file using Logical Volume Manager (LVM). LVM is a robust mechanism to achieve this and is fully supported in …

Managing Files

Controlling files on a Salt Minion is a common operation that SaltStack does well. The basic principle is that if the file is changed on the Minion, then a state run should return it back to a known State as dictated by the Salt Master. Files can be static objects that the Master just downloads …

Managing CRON via SaltStack

One of the key messages this guide aims to emphasize is “simplicity”. Hand in hand with “simplicity” is “Visibility”, if you can see something related to a State then you can get a better idea of the implications the State will have. One of the powerful features of the UNIX environment has been the CRON …

Using the Salt Stack Scheduler

Overview SaltStack provides a built in scheduling system that allows you to run any functions you could run in a state file. Of particular interest in this article is using the scheduler to periodically run highstates on a Salt Minion and a couple of the management tools to list and remove those scheduled jobs. Prerequisites …